Monte-Carlo Study for Effects on Prompt gamma-ray yield of sample parameters of On-Line Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis System 在线中子活化分析系统中样品参数变化对瞬发γ产额影响的蒙特卡罗研究
Prompt Gamma Ray Intensity Calculation of Thermal Neutron Capture 热中子俘获瞬发γ射线强度计算
The Monte Carlo simulation of the neutron-induced prompt gamma ray spectroscopy of the CW abandoned by Japan 中子感生瞬发γ射线能谱的蒙卡模拟中子感生瞬发γ法识别日本遗弃化武的蒙特卡罗计算
It is difficult to simulate the response of the NaI ( Tl) detector in PGNAA ( Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis). 中子感生瞬发γ射线分析(PGNAA)中使用蒙卡技术模拟物料与中子反应后产生的瞬发光子在NaI(Tl)探测器中的响应一直是一个难点。
Applications of Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation for Coalfield Logging 中子活化瞬发伽马方法在煤田测井中的应用
K_0 Method of Prompt-gamma Neutron Activation Analysis and Its Application 瞬发伽玛中子活化分析K0法及其应用
Coal samples are radiated by~ ( 241) Am-Be neutron source. The induced prompt gamma rays by neutron are measured. We determined the contents of carbon and hydrogen in coal samples by characteristic gamma rays. 用~(241)Am-Be中子源照射煤样,测量中子感生的瞬发γ射线能谱,由特征γ射线的强度来确定C、H含量。
Neutron induced prompt gamma ray analysis ( NIPGA) method of coal element is characterized by high precision and short time. This made it is possible to real time control coal quality. 将中子感生瞬发γ射线分析(NIPGA)技术用于煤炭全元素的分析,具有分析精度高,分析时间短的特点,能实现煤炭品质在线实时监测。